Our Mission.

The Golden Mean - 1.61803398875


Golden Mean Tutorial Cooperative is a homeschool co-op founded on the meaning of its namesake, the golden mean. Just as the golden mean is defined as the desirable middle between two extremes, it is our mission to marry the best of traditional school education with the freedom of homeschooling to find the perfect balance for all of our members.

Member families believe that providing a balanced whole-child environment which brings homeschoolers and other non-traditional learners together creates self-motivated, independent, engaged learners who seek, rather than avoid, academic rigor, who constructively participate in their families and communities, and who maintain their intellectual and emotional curiosity throughout life, all while remaining confident and compassionate stewards of the world around them. Children deserve an empowering, non-coercive, safe community in which to learn and prosper.


“Golden Mean has become an integral part of our family. The independence, self-worth, and self respect our daughter now exhibits is truly extraordinary.
We are so very thankful.”

-A GM Parent