A Day at Golden Mean.
Member families are often asked what a day is like at the GMTC center. The short answer — it varies! Since members of GMTC are homeschooled, they follow their own unique paths. The GMTC center is open from 8:00AM to 5:30PM for members to take tutorials, seminars, or classes, as well as to play games, study, meet with other families, collect resources, etc. Members come and go as they choose.
Tutorials and seminars are organized based on member interest and need, and the ideas for these tutorials come from parents, members and tutors. More often than not, tutorials are akin to the offerings of traditional education, such as chemistry, comparative religions, and precalculus, but can just as easily be out of the box, like Democracy! and Art of The Argument.
GMTC members become like extended family; it is the expectation of the community that each member takes responsibility for a job around the center. In addition, the success of GMTC depends on all of its families. Each family adopts a larger task, such as snow removal, gardening, or cleaning to assist with maintaining their center.